Let's say you are dealing with an issue where a lot of people are concerned about health risks, but there is no definitive word from the scientific community as to the validity of those fears. For example, many people are suspicious that cell phone radiation can cause cancer. It hasn't been proven one way or another. There seems to be evidence on both sides of this.
A good question to ask yourself is: Does anyone stand to make or lose a lot of money depending on the outcome of this question?
When it comes to cell phones, a lot of people stand to lose billions of dollars if it is discovered that cell phone radiation can cause cancer. (They also stand to make billions of dollars by selling protective equipment, but the business community tends to be conservative and doesn't always see the opportunity present--new opportunities mean new competition and a potential that the big dog may become the smaller dog. Companies at the top just like to keep things the way they are).
Watch the money, and be careful. I don't trust the business community.
I don't want to be a guinea pig in the cell phone company's large societal experiment. In 10-20 years, we may all find out that cell phone usage really does cause cancer but that it took that long for the evidence to roll in. Some people may say a person is being paranoid to take extensive measures to protect themselves against something that isn't a proven threat, but that's exactly my point: It hasn't been proven. There is enough reason to be concerned. With big money slowing down this process, it may be another generation or two before any proof rolls in.
On the other hand, people were worried about microwave ovens when they first came out, and that's turned out all right...
ReplyDeleteHey, Frank, look what I found when accidentally miskeying your blog address: